By Teacher Ma Soe (an ACM elementary teacher in Rahkine State of Myanmar)

I want to write about the purpose of teaching the children. I want very much to teach them to become good citizens and good leaders of both the Kingdom of God and in Myanmar.  I want them to know that there is always hope for the future.  And they will know the truth and the word of God in their hearts.

This year during water festival I went to Chin state Miwa area for a
three day youth seminar. I taught them action songs, Bible lessons
based on Ephesians 6:1 and some activities.

In many villages, there are no government schools.  Asian Children's Mission sends and supports Christian school teachers to areas to open or staff schools.

In many villages, there are no government schools. Asian Children’s Mission sends and supports Christian school teachers to areas to open or staff schools.

It was good that teacher Maeram has sent me a Bible lesson book. It
made it much easier for me. The road was long. Most of the time we
traveled by boat. But I was happy. I love children and young people.
Because they have long future and they can carry on about Christ.

One most fun thing was building house with sticks on the rock and on
the sand. We drew pictures on the sand. I learn much more from them
and helped me understand that each person has special gift given by
God. After all we are God’s children. I was just amazed at their skills and talents.

Thank you for helping me and equip me with things that I cannot do by
myself. The prayer request is to have set of solar, not for my
benefit, but to share the light with the children.


By Teacher Kono (ACM Leading Star High School Teacher – Kachin State of Myanmar)

My interest is teaching the students. Ever since I passed the big exams (High School graduation exams) I helped other students.  I didn’t care about getting paid or not.
But our family had a hard time surviving. After a few years I went to Thailand and worked as a house keeper. After two years I married a Bible school teacher and I went back to school to complete my college, and earned a degree in Law.  I had to leave my child with my husband.
When I came back after a few years, my son was not doing well in school. So I took time to help him. His grades got better and better.
I am glad I have a chance to teach high school students now. Last 4,5 years 20 students passed high school. This year many of them said they could do OK in exams.  (The national average is that only 4% of the population of Myanmar are high school graduates).
My heart is for the young people. If  they pass high school, they will have more opportunities. They will achieve careers. They will have better way of life.  I don’t want them to forget God.  I want them to rely on God for their education and for their life.  At Leading Star High School, we pray every morning for God’s help. Only God can help for things we or they cannot do to achieve success.
I pray for Joana and Maeram, that they can continue to serve God and help manychildren who are helpless. May God bless you.