Proclaiming the Gospel in Myanmar

Myanmar is one of the least reached nations on earth, with approximately 90% claiming to be Buddhist. Even so, the Christian leadership is exceptional — thanks to the work of missionaries of an earlier era.

Asian Children’s Mission relies on Myanmar’s Christian leaders to reach out to their own people. Our job is simply to equip and encourage.



Bazan is an amazing evangelist and teacher. With his brother, he travels to many IDP (Internally displaced persons)camps and other remote villages. He is gifted at sharing the Gospel Message and of really having empathy for the people. His passion also is teaching high school age students that are in villages with no high schools. They stay at his home with his wife and children, and he instructs/tutors them as they finish high school. May God keep him safe.



Timothy gives classes at MCDC (ACM Development Center) teaching evangelists effective/proven ways to connect and share the Gospel with Theravada Buddhists. With this training the students learn that through understanding the ancient Pali language, the sacred language of Theravada Buddhism, God is evident in these writings. It is a fascinating study and tool. Come take his course!