ACM began because Joana, the organization’s founder, was moved by the plight of children she saw in the streets. During her visit to Myanmar in 2007, she pledged to find a way to open — and support — two orphanages. They began as simple bamboo buildings housing 15 and 20 children. God has nurtured these seeds, and they have grown far beyond our expectation.

Today, the facilities are well-constructed brick and concrete buildings that house many children between them, with campuses that also serve educational, church and training roles within their communities. Kids at both facilities are raised in the love of Christ, and educated to be future community leaders.



Hope Children’s Home is one of the first two homes started by ACM’s generous supporters in 2008. There are many reasons children end up in in an orphanage, globally, and Myanmar is no different. All are tragic, all are traumatic. Yet for all who visit Hope, it is a place of love, hope, laughter and faith. Presently there are 53 children and they are thriving and becoming more self sustaining each year. ACM is constantly seeking ways to do God’s work with excellence. Presently Hope has, ongoing English classes, Bible study and Scripture memorization classes, practical teaching on vegetable gardens, chicken raising, pig farming, and various crafts endeavors . In the future we have a vision to have on campus Trauma Therapy and a two-year after high school Continuation Program to help children get a firm start in the world. We can not wait to see God move! To God Be The Glory.



One of ACM’s first homes was this orphanage in Myitkyina. Today it is thriving and growing in many new ways to meet the needs of the 34 children that call Loving Fountain Home. Here also you will find ongoing English Classes, Bible Study and Scripture learning, many varied vocational learning classes such as sign making, sandal making, beauty school, and music classes. We hope also that in the future, Loving Fountain Children’s Home will have access to Trauma Therapy and a two-year after high school Continuation Program to help young adults, 16-18, find jobs, a good church, learn money management and adjust to apartment living. We so feel that these children coming out of our Homes, will be the voice of the Gospel in the country of Myanmar and beyond.